wellhealthorganic.com/easily remove dark spots lemon juice

Age isn’t the only reason you get dark spots around your body. Exposed to pollutants, sunlight or hormonal imbalances could cause dark spots, discoloration and uneven skin color. Many people are switching to over-the-counter creams and opting for natural alternatives You can try wellhealthorganic.com/easily remove dark spots lemon juice. They’re rich in antioxidants and vitamin C that could be beneficial in reducing hyperpigmentation. We go into the ways to get rid of dark spots on the face using lemon juice.

wellhealthorganic.com/easily remove dark spots lemon juice

The skin produces melanin which is which is the pigment responsible for its distinctive hue. Certain circumstances cause melanin to be produced excessively which causes the appearance of dark spots and pigmentation. The most significant cause of the pigmentation process is excessive exposure to sun. Other factors such as hormone imbalance, vitamin/mineral deficiency, gastrointestinal issues as well as stress may cause dark spots.

The juice of lemon is a natural ingredient that can be used by itself or in conjunction with other ingredients for skincare to reduce dark marks. The citric acid contained in the juice is similar to bleaching properties like some other OTC products. The acidity of the juice is natural, which makes it act as a natural bleaching agent that will reduce the appearance of dark spots over time.

Vitamin C found in lemon juice is a powerful inhibitor of melanin production (also known as melanogenesis). This nutrient is commonly utilized to treat hyperpigmentation of the skin and age spots.

5 Natural Ways To Use Lemon Juice For Treating Dark Spot

If you’re suffering from age spots or freckles by the long-term exposure to UV radiation olive oil could aid in. In a study, SPF (sun protection factor) of olive oil was determined to be the most effective among the oils that were tested.

1. Olive Oil And Lemon Juice

You Will Need

  • 1/2 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

What You Have To Do

  1. Mix the oil with lemon juice, and apply it to the dark spots.
  2. Let it sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this two times per day.

2. Yogurt And Lemon Juice

Research suggests that facial masks made with yogurt could aid in brightening the skin and providing moisture. This could aid in reducing dark spots that appear over time however further research is needed.

You Will Need

  • A couple of drop of juice from a lemon
  • 3-4 tablespoons plain yogurt.

What You Have To Do

  1. Apply lemon juice on the dark spots, and let it dry.
  2. Place the yogurt over the lemon juice that has dried and take care to cover the dark spots.
  3. Let the yogurt sit for 10 minutes, then rinse it off.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this every day.

3. Tomato Juice And Lemon Juice

Tomato has beta-carotene and lycopene antioxidants well-known to shield the skin from sun-induced harm ( 13).

You Will Need

  • 1 teaspoon tomato juice
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

What You Have To Do

  1. Combine the juices, then apply the mixture onto areas of darkening.
  2. Let it run for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse with water.
  4. Dry the skin and then apply a moisturizer of your choice.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this at least once a day.

4. Baking Soda And Lemon Juice

A few reports suggest that baking soda works as an excellent exfoliant. The texture that is grainy in baking soda may help to exfoliate the upper layer of skin that is prone to spots. As it does, it may reveal the lighter area of the skin beneath it.

You Will Need

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • A couple of drop of juice from a lemon

What You Have To Do

  1. Mix lemon juice with baking soda powder until you create an emulsion.
  2. Apply the paste to any dark spot.
  3. Let it sit for about 3-4 minutes, then rinse your face.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this each throughout the day.

5. Aloe Vera And Lemon Juice

Although there isn’t much research into the efficacy of aloe vera for lightening dark spots, some active ingredients such as aloin, may have skin-lightening properties that could assist in the reduction of dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Combining aloe vera and the juice of lemons, rich in Vitamin C could be a fantastic skin-lightening combination.

You Will Need

  • 4 tablespoons of aloe gel (freshly taken from the plant or bought from a supermarket)
  • A couple of drop of juice from a lemon

What You Have To Do

  1. Mix the gel of aloe vera along with some drops lemon juice.
  2. Apply the blend on dark spots.
  3. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes prior to washing it off.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this every day for a minimum of one hour.

You could also make a face mask by mixing the juice of a lemon and Fuller’s Earth with two teaspoons rosewater. Apply the mask to your face and allow it to stay on for about 10 minutes to brighten the skin.

NOTE: It is difficult to determine how long it will take to get rid of the dark spots that appear on your face since it is contingent on a number of aspects like the type of skin you have and condition, and the way that ingredient performs for your skin.

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