Tag: wellhealthorganic.com:healthy-strong-immunity-system

Difference between steam room and sauna bath

Difference between steam room and sauna bath

Not everyone enjoys steam rooms and saunas; some may not appreciate being exposed to the hot environment in these sweat chambers, though both offer health advantages. This article will discuss how sauna or steam room sessions can positively affect both physical and mental wellbeing, and provide advice about which option is healthier - wellhealthorganic.com:difference-between-steam-room-and-sauna-health-benefits-of-steam-room? What Is A Sauna? A sauna is a small room where users can experience extreme heat at temperatures between 180-195degF. Most sauna rooms use wood, electricity, or gas heat sources, although infrared saunas use infrared light technology instead. All saunas are heated rooms which offer dry heat. Humidity levels in sauna rooms tend to be low; thus many feature hot rocks fo...