LPG Full Form: What is the full form of LPG?

LPG Full Form is Liquefied Petroleum Gases.

What is LPG? | LPG Full Form

LPG, or Liquified Petroleum Gas, is a clean-burning fuel commonly stored in cylinders. These cylinders typically range from 10 to 80 liters in capacity. LPG is favored for its efficiency in energy consumption and is considered environmentally friendly compared to other fuel sources. It’s derived primarily from hydrocarbon fuels like coal or natural gas. LPG is known for its reliability and is widely used for energy generation purposes worldwide. Different grades and types of LPG are available on the market, each suited to various applications.

Why use LPG? | LPG Full Form

LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is widely utilized for its versatility and efficiency. It serves as a primary fuel source for cooking and heating in approximately 150 million households globally. Moreover, LPG is employed as a home heating fuel in colder climates such as Australia and China, and even as a transport fuel for gas-powered trucks in the Middle East. In developed nations like the USA and UK, it is also a significant energy source.

The cost of LPG varies based on cylinder weight or the number of cylinders purchased. Smaller cylinders tend to be more economical, whereas larger ones incur higher costs. Another notable advantage of LPG lies in its superior fuel quality, contributing to cleaner burning and reduced emissions compared to other fossil fuels.

Health and safety concerns

During the recent Gujarat Assembly Elections, LPG safety concerns came into focus following a tragic incident. On October 18, 2017, a devastating gas cylinder explosion in Ujjain claimed the lives of 18 people and left 28 others injured. This incident marked one of the deadliest LPG cylinder explosions in recent years in the country.

In response to this tragedy, the state government took immediate action by switching government buses to petrol to mitigate similar risks. India’s LPG safety regulations vary widely, with many cylinders not meeting the safety standards set by the Indian Standards Authority of India (ISAI). Currently, there are approximately 2 million LPG vehicles in India, each subject to stringent inspections by transport authorities across states.

Storage and handling of LPG

LPG, widely used for cooking and powering household appliances and vehicles, is stored in cylinders. It’s delivered by gas companies at a cost ranging from Rs 60 to 100 per cylinder. After using LPG, it’s important to release any condensation that may form outside the cylinder due to heating. Refilling the cylinder from a kitchen gas stove is a monthly task, managed through the dealer, with additional costs based on the number of cylinders needed.

What health precautions should be taken before using LPG?

Before using LPG, it’s crucial to take several health precautions due to its highly flammable and potentially explosive nature. Always handle it with care and ensure safety measures are in place. Store LPG in a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors, and keep it away from ignition sources. Use gas safety goggles during handling and ensure there is a fire extinguisher nearby. Check cylinders for leaks using soapy water and ensure they have safety valves covered by lids to prevent accidents.

How should one store LPG?

It’s important to avoid storing LPG in open spaces due to its high flammability, which can lead to incidents like gas cylinder fires.


It’s important not to view LPG as harmful. In fact, LPG can be safely purchased from authorized vendors and comes with built-in safety features. When stored correctly, LPG poses no risk of emitting harmful chemical fumes. Additionally, LPG is utilized in the production of various products such as paraffin and asphalt.

For those considering purchasing gas cylinders, it’s crucial to handle LPG safely and responsibly. It’s readily available in the market, making it convenient for household use, including cooking and heating water. Always ensure to buy LPG cylinders from reputable suppliers who adhere to safety protocols.

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