Justin Trudeau said Canada was not intimidated by protests’ disgusting truck drivers

Canada has no place for such behavior, Justin Trudeau said on Monday when he spoke a press from a safe location after he left his house after protesting the convoy of freedom in Ottawa. He has also tested positive covid.

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who claimed to have tested the positive Covid-19 and was in an undisclosed location since the truck driver’s protest began to say that Canadians were not intimidated by protests that occurred in Ottawa. They are disgusted and surprised, he said. “I know this pandemic frustrated. It is very frustrating, after two years, we did not finish against Covid-19. But for the past few days, Canadians have been surprised – and, frankly, disgust – by the behavior displayed by several people – People protest the capital of our nation, “Trudeau said in a series of tweets.

“I want to be very clear: we are not intimidated by those who throw abuse on small business workers and steal food from homeless people. We will not give up on those who fly racist flags. And we will not be their cave involved in vandalism, or respect. The memories of our veterans, “he said.

“There is no place in Canada for this behavior. So, for those responsible: it needs to stop. And for those who join convoys but are not comfortable with hatred symbols and divisions on display: Dare and speak. Don’t stand up for, or with , intolerance and hate, “he added.

Trudeau and his family left their homes in the country’s capital and shifted to a secret location after protesting trucks in Ottawa against the vaccine mandate. Dozens of trucks and other vehicles have been jammed into the center of Ottawa since Friday and now the essential supply for Ottawa has been challenged due to protests. Truck drivers blared their horns continuously in their protest against mandatory vaccination. Protests have received heavy funds and GofundMe campaigns have collected more than $ 7 million ($ 5.4 million; £ 4 million) from more than 99,000 donors.

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