WHO Full Form: What is the full form of WHO?

Who Full Form is World Health Organization. WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) focused on international public health. WHO is dedicated to promoting global public health and conducting worldwide research. It coordinates international public health efforts and oversees the agenda of the World Health Assembly. Additionally, WHO partners with other UN organizations to provide health assistance to countries and establish international standards for global public health.

Understanding WHO

Who is the WHO? This question often arises. The WHO has made significant strides in raising awareness about various diseases and responding swiftly to critical health issues. However, it is often perceived solely in a global context, overlooking its substantial contributions to medicine and public health.

Despite its achievements, some critics argue that “WHO is still not fit for office.” This criticism often stems from how the WHO is utilized by member states rather than the organization’s intrinsic capabilities. So, what exactly is the WHO, and who comprises this organization?

The Role of WHO

The WHO has achieved numerous milestones that have positively impacted global health. These accomplishments result from extensive research and have led to substantial benefits, including ensuring medical availability, promoting education, and raising awareness on crucial health issues. The WHO has become a key player in establishing global health policies.

Moreover, the WHO maintains a significant relationship with national governments, fostering international cooperation on health matters and maintaining a comprehensive global health incident database.

WHO’s Mission

In essence, the WHO works to alleviate human suffering by addressing curable diseases and providing care to affected populations. It tackles global health issues, which are increasingly critical in contemporary times. Health organizations, particularly in the West and the United States, conduct extensive health research, but the WHO remains a global entity with diverse international staff.

Some of the WHO’s essential roles include establishing health policies, coordinating international health efforts, and promoting public health initiatives.

The WHO’s Purpose

The WHO’s mission is to ensure that people can lead healthy lives. With 10-year development plans, the organization aims to combat diseases such as AIDS and address major health concerns like heart disease and diabetes. Additionally, the WHO plans to implement screening programs to reduce the prevalence of preventable diseases like cancer.

How the World Health Organization Operates

The WHO’s health initiatives are divided into various categories, including educational campaigns on disease prevention, health centers providing safe patient environments, and efforts to improve the quality of hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

The History of the WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) was established at the initiative of former US President Harry Truman, recognizing the critical need for a global health organization, particularly for emerging nations. The first World Health Organization Conference held in Geneva in 1948 marked the founding of the WHO. This initiative, supported by President Truman, aimed to create a system to oversee the health development of nations for the welfare of the entire human race. During this conference, the United Nations joined the effort to build the organization. In 1949, the organization was officially named the World Health Organization.

The WHO in Action

Established in 1946, the World Health Organization (WHO) has grown to become the leading global health organization today. Its primary goal is the eradication of diseases worldwide. The WHO devises comprehensive strategies and ensures their implementation to prevent deaths from infectious and contagious diseases.

The organization has developed cost-effective methods for disease detection, reporting, and management, thereby saving countless lives and promoting health for all. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and well-being of its member countries, offering solutions to numerous health challenges and striving to enhance longevity and quality of life globally.


The WHO has played a vital role in global health since its inception, initially targeting infectious diseases like smallpox and continuing to address modern health challenges. Understanding the WHO’s function and contributions provides valuable insight into global health efforts. The WHO remains a pivotal organization in promoting and sustaining global health.

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