CGPA Full Form: What it Means and How to Calculate

Introduction to CGPA:

CGPA Full Form is “Cumulative Grade Point Average”.

Exploring CGPA | CGPA Full Form

CGPA serves as a grading system used to evaluate and assess the performance of students throughout their academic journey. It plays a pivotal role in determining a student’s academic standing and is often a crucial factor for securing academic funding in various educational institutions globally.

CGPA is awarded by schools and colleges to signify a student’s overall academic performance. This grading system is prevalent in many educational systems, such as in India, where each university or course typically adheres to a standardized grading scale. For example, in the Indian context, a CGPA of 7.8 may correspond to a grade range of 1.2 to 1.5 with a 50% deduction, while a CGPA of 8.2 may equate to a grade range of 1.9 to 2.0 with a 20% deduction.

Calculating CGPA | CGPA Full Form

To calculate CGPA, certain criteria must be met:

  • A student must achieve a minimum of 60% marks across all subjects to pass the course.
  • They should attain a minimum CGPA of 5 across all semesters to pass the course.
  • A minimum CGPA of 1.5 across all semesters is required for a pass degree.

Moreover, specific GPA thresholds denote different grade classifications. For instance, in India, a GPA of 60% or higher in a semester for B.Tech/MCA/ED courses is considered an A grade, while a GPA of 75% or higher in a semester for other courses is classified as a B+ grade.

GPA Calculation Method:

Calculating GPA involves dividing the total semester marks by the number of CGPA for that semester, and then dividing the overall GPA by the number of CGPA in the course.

Example of GPA Calculation:

Consider a student taking English A every semester for four years. If the student achieves a cumulative GPA of 9.6 out of 10, they qualify for an outstanding academic performance rating and an A-class designation.

Individual Student GPA Calculation:

To calculate the GPA for different types of students:

  • For an average or median student (let’s call them Student A):
  • Subtract the overall average GPA (e.g., 9.6) from the student’s GPA (e.g., 9.5).
  • Divide the result by the overall average GPA (e.g., 9.3).

For a student with a minimum CGPA of 3.3 (let’s call them Student B):

  • Subtract the minimum CGPA (e.g., 3.3) from the student’s GPA (e.g., 3.3).
  • Divide the outcome by the minimum CGPA value (e.g., 3.3).
  • If the resulting percentage is less than 90%, divide it by 30%.

For calculating the GPA for a specific semester:

  • Subtract the semester GPA from the overall average GPA (e.g., 9.3).
  • Divide the outcome by the total semester GPA (e.g., 9.6).

These steps help determine the GPA for individual students and specific semesters based on various criteria.

Steps for Calculating CGPA:

To calculate CGPA, students combine scores from all completed semesters and compute the grade-point average for the final semester. Grades (A, B, C, D) are determined by considering 10% of the highest, 0% of the lowest, and 1% of the middle-grade mark. The formula reflects deductions: A or B indicates strong performance in one subject and weaker performance in another; C indicates poor performance in some subjects; D signifies exceptional performance in a subject or course; F indicates rejection of the course indicator; and H is used as a negative sign when a student fails to score well.

Conclusion | CGPA Full Form

While achieving a favorable GPA requires dedication and consistent effort, it serves as a vital measure of a student’s academic performance. Regardless of past results, students can strive for improvement in subsequent semesters. A higher GPA indicates better prospects for academic success, motivating students to aim for excellence in their studies.

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