Can vote for joining Russia, said Ukraine Rebel Region

Moscow: The head of the separatist region of Lugansk Ukraine said on Sunday it might have a referendum to be part of Russia, after Moscow sent troops to his pro-West neighbor.
“I think in the near future the referendum will be held in the Republican area, where people will … express their opinions about joining the Russian Federation,” said the Russian news agency as Leonid Pasechnik said.

“I’m sure this will happen,” he said.

Russia launched her military action in Ukraine on February 24, said it was acting to defend the Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk who proclaimed themselves in the east of the country.

President Vladimir Putin had two days recognizing two regions as independent.

Announcement of the possibility of a referendum pulling a mixed reaction from Russian parliamentarians.

“I think now it’s not the right time for this,” said Leonid Kalashnikov, a member of Parliament who headed the Committee of Relations with Post-Soviet Committee from Independent Countries in Russia Russian Parliament.

“Almost no need to occupy themselves with such questions when fate in front is being decided,” The State News Agency made him quote it.

But Andrei Klisha, head of the Constitutional Legislation Committee in Hulu, said the separating area has the right to determine their own future.

“Russia has recognized the sovereignty of the Republic of Lugansk and Donetsk People,” he told the State News Agency Ria Novosti. “The Republican authorities have the right to make decisions according to their constitution.”

Industry, especially Russian-language regions broke out from Kyiv’s control in 2014 in battle that had claimed more than 14,000 lives.

Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine after a pro-Moscow leader was overthrown in a popular rebellion in Kyiv in February 2014 and a referendum was held in the south to become part of Russia.

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