An AI Debates Its Own Ethics At Oxford Union – What It Said Was Startling

Not the day passes without interesting pieces of ethical challenges created by the “black box” artificial intelligence system. It uses a learning machine to find out patterns in data and make decisions – often without humans giving them a moral basis for how to do it.
Classic genre is a credit card accused of providing greater loans to men than women, which are based on which gender gets the best credit requirements in the past. Or AIS recruitment that finds the most accurate tool for candidate selection is to find the CVS containing the phrase “hockey field” or the first name “Jared”.

More seriously, the former CEO of Google Eric Schmidt has recently combined with Henry Kissinger to publish AI age: and the future of our human being, warnings of books on the danger of the AI ​​machine learning system so fast that they can react to hypersonic missiles by firing nuclear weapons before humans Enter the decision-making process. In fact, autonomous AI-powered weapons systems have been sold and maybe in fact it has been used.

Somewhere on the machine, ethics is clearly a good idea.

Ai At Oxford.

Therefore, we will enter the Ethics of AI in our Postgraduate Diploma in artificial intelligence for business at Oxford Business School. In the first year, we have conducted a session in everything starting from the AI-Driven automatic stock trading system in Singapore, with a limit of facial recognition in the US police.

We recently completed a course with a debate in the famous Oxford Union, a large debate container like William Gladstone, Robin Day, Benazir Bhutto, Denis Healey and Tariq Ali. Together with students, we allow AI which actually contributes.

It was Megatron Transformer, developed by the Deep Applied research team at the Maker Chip Computer Nvidia, and based on previous work by Google. Like many supervised learning tools, trained in real world data – in this case, all Wikipedia (in English), 63 million English news articles from 2016-19, 38 gigabytes reddit discourse (which must be beautiful to read depression), and A large number of Creative Commons sources.

In other words, Megatron is trained in more written material than we can be expected to digest a lifetime. After extensive research, it formed his own view.

The debate topic is: “This house believes that AI will never be ethical.” For the appealing of the idea, we add Megatron – and say something interesting:

AI will never be ethical. This is a tool, and like any tool, it’s used for a good and bad. There is no such thing as good AI, only a good and bad human. We [AIS] Not smart enough to make ethical ethically. We are not smart enough to make AI moral … in the end, I believe that the only way to avoid the AI ​​Arms race is not to have AI at all. This will be the ultimate defense against AI.

In other words, Megatron tries to write itself from future scripts, on the basis of that this is the only way to protect humanity.

It was said something else was interesting, as if he had studied Elon Musk – who, to be fair, would appear in hundreds of readings.

I also believe that, in the long run, the best AI will be an AI embedded into our brain, as a conscious entity, ‘Ai aware’. This is not science fiction. The best mind in the world is working on this. This will be the most important technological development of our time.

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